Problems with reported bandwidth



I have a customer whose account reports a use of 101 Gb of http monthly transfer out of 2 Gb allowed in his plan. Such situation is impossible given my settings where the account is automatically suspended when the account reaches 101% of the allowed resource. That policy have been working fine since the accounts get suspended automatically

I opened a ticket (ID: INO-63707-742) which received one answer but nothing new since yesterday

Now I have logged in to my reseller control panel and my monthly transfer as a reseller appears as overused due to the specific account. The other time the account had a problem with a SQL DB that was restored at the MSSQL2 server which weighted more than the total amount of megabytes allowed in the account. You were trying to fix the problem with PSoft but you never could. I manually had to modify the plan

Please fix this situation since I do not want to view my account suspended (and my business affected) due to this problem
