Question about mail from old server to new



I just changed the nameservers of our domain tonight and the switch hasn't happened yet. Well, I kinda got freaked because I realized I had to create an email account in Hsphere under the new server that matched the old account, same password and such. I felt I had to do this because the owner uses Outlook Express to receive her mail, and I knew once the change happens, it would start rejecting her password because the new server is taking charge. Am I wrong on this?

So like I said, I have setup the new server with the same user and password as the old server, so when the switch happens, it will still be fine with emails to the owner. Am I to expect anything unusual?

one more thing..

All mail that is on the old server will be gone once the switch happens,right? I mean, I made sure the box was checked in Outlook to leave a copy on the server, and right now there are like 180 emails sitting on the server, whereas on the owners Outlook, there are not that many because she rarely checks in through the browser.

Well, I guess the site switched over today and something strange happened.

See, last night there were 170 emails when checking . Now, the owner cleaned out her email box this morning, and now the 170 is down to 50. But, that 170 was on the old server, so when the switch happened, all of them should have been lost, correct? Well, like I said, she checked it this morning and deleted most of the 170 except for the 50, and I can still check it right now and see the 50, so they didn't get lost.

I am confused...

Also, I handle the email address, and I know that is default on the hsphere, but I still have al the emails before the switch as well. So I can go right now and all the emails that I have had for the last 5 months are there today. That is why I am confused, because I thought they would have been removed since we were on the old server and now on the new.

Any explanation.

Thanks Yash
This is common during propogation period. Wait for at least 3 or 4 days and you'll find your mail has disappeared