Redirect urls

I am trying to figure out how to redirect a url. How would i redirect

to send the user to

Is this possible?

WHat you need here is to set a new directory index.

1) log into your CP
2) Click on Web Settings
3) Click on your Domain
4) Toggle on Directory Indexes
5) Enter "index.php"

If you are on Linux, you may have to wait for upto 15 minutes before these changes come into effect.
That has actually solved another problem that i had with setting up the default web page - thanks :)

I now have: so that it opens the default page but what i was originally looking for was so that when the user types in
it will automatically forward them to

Is this possible? :D

Thanks again
It just clicked :)

I understand now that the names i put in 'Directoy Indexes' are looked for in the folder that i type in.

Thanks for the help :D