Redirection Problem

To get a domain like you need to create a subdomain. Then, you install your forum there.

I take it your forum is already set up. You can create a redirect page that sends visitors to your forum page. With PHP, it would be:


Save that as index.php in your web root directory. Of course, replace with your actual domain and path. (You should use a explicit URL as some browsers supposedly get choked up with relative ones.)

hmmmmmmm, didnt work. I use the exact code and change to our path. I deleted the index.html and upload the index.php into root.

What could I be doing wrong. Do i have to change anyting in the Vbulletin area?

Thanks for your help.
Nevermind, I got the index.php to work. However, what I am trying to do is have the index.html be redirected to the forum.

In index.html, try putting this after the opening <head> tag (before any other elements including the <title>)

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;">

You could do this, although some might say its a bodge

<frameset rows="100%">
<frame src="" scrolling="auto" noresize>
WebDesignSlave said:
hmmmmmmm, didnt work. I use the exact code and change to our path. I deleted the index.html and upload the index.php into root.

What could I be doing wrong. Do i have to change anyting in the Vbulletin area?

Thanks for your help.
if you are using a Windows server you will need to add index.php to the Directory Index

sorry if am mixing you up with someone else, (but if you are who i think you are then..) ... you need to do what i said to do to get RoundCube working

it sounds like you want to show

if this is the case, then you need to put your forum in the root folder