Resekker ticket system

Reseller ticket system

I have been a Gold Windows user until just recently when I opened a reseller account and transferred my Gold account to the new reseller account. I have never had a problem with customer support with my Gold Windows account, but as a reseller I have had 2 tickets go unanswered for 4 days, having made several requests to have support respond to them.

I have taken on some customers and have them signed up with anonymous support, and I am concerned that they will make support tickets that don't get responded to.

Is the reseller ticket system handled by a different group? Am I supposed to expect 3-4 day response time? I certainly hope not.

There may be something wrong with my account, I've noticed that whenever I respond to a ticket, I automatically get a copy of it sent back to me. I have tried to open a ticket to have someone address this problem, however I don't get my tickets responded to.

I really need help with some critical issues, so hopefully somebody can help me get things worked out soon. I know its kind of lame to have to resort to the Forums to get direct assistance, but I don't know what else to do...

I have been EXTREMELY satisfied with JodoHost support up until now. I hope that its just a technical glitch that needs to be worked out, and not a deterioration of customer support
Re: Reseller ticket system

Hello Jim,

No there is not a special reseller group it is all handled by the same group, and at the same priority.

have you checked that the mail address in cerberus and you contact info address in hsphere match? I have seen it cause such delays or non answers(seemingly to you, even if we answered in 5 minutes time, it may not come back to you.)
No, my email and contact information in are the same both on HSphere and Cerberus. I checked on Cerberus and there are 4 open tickets that have been unanswered for a few days.

I'm not sure, but I think this all started happening after I signed up for anonymous support. Could there be a hangup in the system if it thinks I am both a customer and an agent? Maybe that would also explain why I am getting an auto-response from the ticket system whenever I post a reply.
Hrm, that is possible, can you send your info(username and reseller domain name) over to helpline (@) so we can check it?
Thank you for the mail, I have replied it with a temporary measure for you to access us as well as will supply you updates as we look into the issue.
Re: Reseller ticket system

Several months have passed and this issue has not been resolved. When I initiate a ticket in the reseller ticket system, I will always get a response back in under an hour. That far is good. However, when I respond to the ticket after its been initiated, either by email or through the web interface, my response gets automatically forwarded back to me within a minute. It seems that these responses are not re-entering the unanswered ticket queue for Jodohost to respond back to me.

If you take a look at my ticket history, there are many tickets that I started and were never responded back to. This is rather frustrating and annoying. Do I really have to start a new ticket for each response I want to send back in order to get reseller support?

As I mentioned above, I think this all started happening after I signed up for anonymous support. Could there be a hangup in the system if it thinks I am both a customer and an agent? Maybe that would also explain why I am getting an auto-response from the ticket system whenever I post a reply. I believe that my agent and customer emails are the same.

Please advise on a permanent solution. Could we try deleting my anonymous support account and see if that restores my support line? Thanks for your help.