reseller bandwidth & databases


Stephen et al
if I were to sign up for a reseller account with say, 5GB disk space and 80GB bandwidth... can I split the disk space and bandwidth as I please?

e.g. if a client wishes to use 3GB disk space and wants 48GB bandwidth, and then I sell the rest to another 2 clients at 1GB diskspace each with 16GB bandwidth, are there any problems with this arrangement? Can I easily control the amount of diskspace and bandwidth that each client may use?

On a different subject but that still of client and reselling... if a client wishes to have two databases, can these databases reference each other? i.e. will, or can, the databases be on the same server? or if *needs* be can I link two servers in SQL Server?
You can split it as you choose easily.

As for linking the databases, we do not support that, but it could be done with ASP/.NET/PHP code if the user knew how.
I was thinking more of referencing the other database via a stored proc at db server level, rather than via web tier scripting. This is OK though, we can cope with this. It's really a matter of clarification so we know where we are from the outset, rather than a necessity.

Thanks once again for the reply.
The issue there is we have multiple SQL servers, and you are never going to get a guantee that the database will even be on the same server.