Reseller look and feel


I have an issue with configuring the look and feel of my new ValueHost account settings to make it meet NZ Tax requirements. There is also a few issues with US English causing confusion.

A requirement of our tax system is that we include our GST registration number on our invoices (GST is a VAT type tax).

I am trying to figure out how I can make it appear on the billing received by my customers - especially if they click on the Print icon when viewing their statements online.

If this can't be resolved, I will be forced to invoice all clients outsite of JodoHost. It's not something I want to contemplate. Any Suggestions from other NZ resellers or from other countries having a similar requirement (Australia and the UK come to mind)?

There are a few Americanisations that are already causing confusion with my customers:

(1) the spelling of Check. It never has the connotation of making a payment. The correct spelling should be Cheque.

(2) I have set the date format to dd/mm/yy under Look and Feel > Regional Options but still all dates are displayed in mm/dd/yy format. So customers seeing a billing period as 3/3/06 - 4/3/06 think they are being billed for one day only - 3 Mar 06 to 4 Mar 06, instead of for a whole month.

Has anyone got a solution or workaround to reduce customer confusion?