Review site!

The header is pretty boring and unappealing. However, there is a whole bunch of information on the site regarding your product, so if your whole goal is to get info to the customers, then you accomplished that. If you goal is to visual appeal to customers then it needs some work.
Agreed - and it looks like you've taken some of that to heart. Yesterday you had a graphic on the right hand side that was stretched out; that has been replaced by a more appealing image.

On the main page there is a table on the bottom for the popular and voting links; there seems to be an extraneous amount of white space in there, especially between the two lines of text.

Also, your main page has a large amount of graphics, scrolling text and other information. None of this is repeated on pages inside the site. Might not be a bad idea to pretty up some of the pages inside as well as out.

The invisable text on your site will get you penalized by the major search engines. It will eventually do much more harm than good. Get rid of "invi" class, where you are keyword stuffing, and try adding content with those keywords as opposed to tricks.
In case you are wondering, it wasn't too invisible to me, I saw it like this really tiny at the bottom:
Edit: WOW all that in 1 3/4 tiny lines, amazing!

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Is it worth the risk to your site being banned by a search engine?

Stephan, you must have cat eyes! I find it difficult to read white text on a white background. :D
actually I have a touchpad that goes crazy and it happened to highlight the whole page, I was trying to keep my secret quiet :)
Anna, please feel free to contact me if you need professional search engine optimization assistance. Only ethical techniques will be used to avoid the loss of revenue that a banned site would cause.

Otherwise... might be helpful.