sending/receiving email is VEEEEEERY slow

I've been trying to email using Outlook and web based and it's been taking forever to connect/send email.

I had to increase outlook's timeout setting to 3 minutes, because it has been taking about 2 minutes to fully connect/send one message.

Web based email is taking a couple minutes to even open my inbox.

I'm on a cable connection.

Are the mail servers usually this slow? I just recently got my this the typical performance I should expect for sending/receiving email?
Well, this is very strange because some people are reporting fast SMTP connections and some are reporting slow SMTP connections.

Type in:
telnet 25
(in Run box from Start menu)

and let me know how much time it takes to connect. We're looking into this. We'll try configuring Reverse DNS and see if that speeds up the connection time
Ok, I tried telneting to the mail server. Results:

25 seconds and then message "220 mail.m**** ESMTP" pops up.

Then, 1 hour after that message, nothing has happened still. I only still see that above message in the window.

If I hit the Enter key, it says "502 unimplemented (#5.5.1)"

Yash said:
Well, this is very strange because some people are reporting fast SMTP connections and some are reporting slow SMTP connections.

Type in:
telnet 25
(in Run box from Start menu)

and let me know how much time it takes to connect. We're looking into this. We'll try configuring Reverse DNS and see if that speeds up the connection time
outgoing mail not working at all now

I just tried sending mail from Outlook and it completely failed. Error message as follows:

Task 'mail.****.com - Sending' reported error (0x800CCC92) : 'Your e-mail server rejected your login. Verify your user name and password in your account properties. Under Tools, click E-mail accounts.'

I verified that all my settings are correct. I was able to email last night though it took forever to send, as in my original post. Now, it just fails completely.
Mine's good and fast, just as always, if you wanted to know.

Yash said:
Well, this is very strange because some people are reporting fast SMTP connections and some are reporting slow SMTP connections.

Type in:
telnet 25
(in Run box from Start menu)

and let me know how much time it takes to connect. We're looking into this. We'll try configuring Reverse DNS and see if that speeds up the connection time
Yash said:
I believe we fixed this now. Let me know

Should something popup after "25 seconds and then message "220 mail.m**** ESMTP" pops up." if yes then I've the same problem and it's thus not resolved.
email is working perfectly now


I'm able to send and receive email very fast now. Thanks for looking into this.

Hopefully, this isn't just a temporary fix? :)

Thanks again...
I see others are having, or have had, e-mail problems today. I have not received numerous e-mails normally sent from my website for approximately 3 hours. I sent myself an e-mail from my PC, which I recieved immediately, but have not yet gotten anything from my forum.

I tried the telnet thing, which responded with "220 ESMTP". I have no idea why it comes back with that domain since that is not what I entered in the Run line.

Any ideas?

I have just submitted a support ticket on this subject as I'm not sure what hours this message board is being monitored. I have not recieved several more e-mails since I first posted on this subject.
This is not related Dave. These people are on our new servers

Are you sure the emails went out from your forum? Have you tried an external email account?
Yash said:
This is not related Dave. These people are on our new servers

Are you sure the emails went out from your forum? Have you tried an external email account?
I wasn't aware I was having a different problem than the others. I'm not quite sure what you mean by trying an external account. I recieved about 30 e-mails today from the forum. (It sends copies of new posts and notifications of other specific events). There have been numerous posts and notification events in the last few hours and I have not received anything.

I am now getting the following errors since I submitted a support ticket:

'Sending and Receiving' reported error (..error #) 'Some messages you marked for download are no longer available on the server.'

I get this error on the two accounts I have for myself (Dave and Webmaster).
Yash, just a small update. The above errors have stopped. But it appears other users are getting e-mails (new users receive activation e-mails and they've been activating themselves). It appears at this time that only the e-mails sent to my own domain address is not getting delivered.
Just did some further testing. I sent and recieved e-mails from Outlook to/from my domain e-mail addresses. Everything was sent/delivered successfully.

When I fill in a form from my site and send it using my ISP-provided address I get the e-mail. If I send it to myself using I don't get anything.

That confirms what I thought earlier. It's only e-mail to me at my JodoHost account that doesn't get delivered.
29 e-mails just came in all at once. Looks like you guys have cleared up the problem.
