I have three domain names hosted by Jodohost on one account(Linux value).
I would like to have a fourth domain name hosted and I can think of three options.
1. Pay $24 dollars and add an existing domain name onto my current account.
2. Buy a new Value Linux account. I can then host three domain names for $59.40
3. Buy hosting with a different provider.
I don't want to go with option 3 because jodohost has been excellent to date with their service. However, I have the impression that Google doesn't give as much credit to links that originate on the same server. I want to build up my search engine ranking on Google(not through dirty methods but with relevant content). AFAIK, if I have a site hosted on, say, web2 and there is a link to another site I have on web2 then Google doesn't give much importance to this link. (I think it's a measure to stop somebody setting up hundreds of domain names on the same server that link to each other.) If I have a site on Web2 and another one on, say, Web 5 then does this rule apply?
There's something I'd like to clear up before I consider options 1 and 2. If I get a new Linux value account then I get a MySQL database. If I buy a domain name I can use my existing MySQL database. Going with option 2 however doesn't necessarily offer me any resource benefits as I am sharing the database server with other users and it is the amount of requests to the database server at any one time that is the critical factor? Is there a guaranteed speed benefit with buying a new hosting plan?
I know, this post is far too long. I appreciate your time though.
I would like to have a fourth domain name hosted and I can think of three options.
1. Pay $24 dollars and add an existing domain name onto my current account.
2. Buy a new Value Linux account. I can then host three domain names for $59.40
3. Buy hosting with a different provider.
I don't want to go with option 3 because jodohost has been excellent to date with their service. However, I have the impression that Google doesn't give as much credit to links that originate on the same server. I want to build up my search engine ranking on Google(not through dirty methods but with relevant content). AFAIK, if I have a site hosted on, say, web2 and there is a link to another site I have on web2 then Google doesn't give much importance to this link. (I think it's a measure to stop somebody setting up hundreds of domain names on the same server that link to each other.) If I have a site on Web2 and another one on, say, Web 5 then does this rule apply?
There's something I'd like to clear up before I consider options 1 and 2. If I get a new Linux value account then I get a MySQL database. If I buy a domain name I can use my existing MySQL database. Going with option 2 however doesn't necessarily offer me any resource benefits as I am sharing the database server with other users and it is the amount of requests to the database server at any one time that is the critical factor? Is there a guaranteed speed benefit with buying a new hosting plan?
I know, this post is far too long. I appreciate your time though.