Site/Forum Staff


Is there a list of member who are Staff of JodoHost? In the previous version of vBulletin there used to be a link called Forum Leaders in the main page which showed the list of Admin, Mods etc.

I know that admin,mods are highlighted in bold, but i just wanted to see the full list.


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by vince2974
03-03-04 09:48 AM
2234Mark Forums Read View Forum Leaders

What's Going On? Currently Active Users: 18 (3 members and 15 guests)

its still there on the bottom of the page
The Frog said:
Better get used to it... VBF might be switching over to VBull 3 soon ;)

Yes, but they seem to be talking about upgrading it for centuries. Hope their email notification is not screwed up like here, its so annoying that you dont get any notification here ;(
Yeah, I used to think the same thing Yash, but I've gotten used to 3.0 now :)
It's not so bad as long as you keep the the post information to the left of the post, the first vB3 forum I saw defaulted to top display and it was messy :p