Something for the wishlist. Backup related.


Hi all

I guess no matter how confident I feel about Jodohost, I still want my own backup as all responsible webmasters should.

There is one feature that I think is missing from all low cost hosts offering MS SQL Server I've used, including JodoHost.

I'm talking about the ability to use the BACKUP command either from Enterprise Manager or from an ASP.NET utility or whatever and then be able to access the resulting file. The backup file is created on the database machine which an end user doesn't have direct access to. I've seen comments on the forums saying that JH support will manually copy the file when asked which is good to know but its not really a solution for a regular backup.

I have done some backups using DTS 'Copy SQL Server Objects' task. That works and I guess it will get me by but it requires that I have SQL Server (client and server) installed at my end and I'm sure its not very efficient in terms of bandwidth and perhaps CPU use. A quick transfer of a single compressed backup file would be so much more efficient and simpler.

It would be great if some automated way could be devised for the user to get access to the file. Obviously, security is the big issue. I'm trying to think how it could be done. Perhaps the SQL machine could run an FTP server where the user's 'fake root' is the directory where their backup goes. I guess it wouldn't be compressed but if you really wanted to you could have a script in ASP.NET, PHP or whatever to pull it across to your web space and compress. Maybe Jodo could have some sort of script that compresses much like the web logs although I guess that would use a lot of CPU. I'm just throwing some ideas in the air. Some way of doing it would be nice.

Totally agree with this... it makes me nervous not being able to do a regular backup.

Having to contect jodo every time is counter productive.