Step by step is a no go.


Basically .. I added a domain do an existing account, it froze on "please wait" screen for 3 hours. After that, I closed the browser, logged back in and it errors out on login stating the following error:

DefPackageMng() constructor failed: defpackagemng failed: Class not registered (COM Error 80040154) at getTypes()
---------------------- Debug Info -------------------------------
0: C:\SWsoft\Plesk\admin\plib\class.DefPackageMng.php:14 psaerror(string "DefPackageMng() constructor failed: defpackagemng failed: Class not registered (COM Error 80040154) at getTypes()")

I went ahead and file a report with Plesk .. just wanted to let you know:)

I am currently locked out as plesk claims another admin is on the system now with no way to remove them, so I'm forcing a reboot of the vps :)
odd, that does not look like a plesant error.
if I am reading it right, it seems there is some problem in the package management definition, and specifically in the "type" of plan.
ok, after reboot, vps seems to be working ok. It did add in the domain, but did no setup so I ran the bugger through the setup. It required name servers as existing ones (ns/ doesnt count. So I added two new ns records pointing to the quad ones. Unfortunately, godaddy does not like that at all. They require their name servers have ip addys instead of pointing to existing ones. So I placed in my ns/ domains using the .21/.22 ip addresses. Hopefully that will work :)

I hope Plesk fixes the forementioned bug int heir software.