Subdomain Setup takes forever...


I am a trial jodohost user. My domain went live with jodohost in 2-3 which is understandable. I created a subdomain, which after around 72 hours is still not up. When I try to access it, it says that I can access it using an instant domain...while DNS servers across the internet update themselves.

Now the problem is the instant domain brings me back to the same page...not my actual site.

Any suggestions? Previous experience with that sort of a problem? Please share.
Subdomains go online instantly.

If I understand your problem correctly, when you type in your sub domain, you see a control panel page, right? That page is stored as index.html in your sub domain directory. You have to delete/replace that file
Yash said:
Subdomains go online instantly.

If I understand your problem correctly, when you type in your sub domain, you see a control panel page, right? That page is stored as index.html in your sub domain directory. You have to delete/replace that file

Thanks yash. That solves one of my problems.

My next question is, I believe there is a catch-all subdomain created by default (* But if I try to go to, it says the virtual folder does not list its contents. What folder is it pointing to in the first place, so that I could actually have some default page for it.


I don't understand what you mean by a "catch up" subdomain?

If you want to change the default page for a sub domain, do this:

1) Log into your CP
2) Click on Domains
3) Click on your Sub Domain
4) Click on "Edit Web Options"
5) Turn on Directory Indexes
6) Enter in your desired default page
Yash said:

I don't understand what you mean by a "catch up" subdomain?

If you want to change the default page for a sub domain, do this:

1) Log into your CP
2) Click on Domains
3) Click on your Sub Domain
4) Click on "Edit Web Options"
5) Turn on Directory Indexes
6) Enter in your desired default page

Sorry, that was a typo. I meant to say "catch-all". In other words, I wanna catch all non-existent subdomains and possibly point them to a single location.