Summary Disk Usage Introduced!


Dated: June 22, 2003

JodoHost has finally made the bold step and switched all its packages over to Summary Disk Usage. In this system, customer's get a fixed quota of summary disk space. Customer's can use this disk space across our servers as they like. So if you require more MS SQL space than web space to hold your web files, you can now use this quota it in that manner! Additionally, the new system is based on actual resource usage instead of allocation.

Existing customers will only benefit from the switch from the start of their new billing term. If you are a customer who has taken a yearly package, you won't be able to use the system till your new billing term starts a year later. If you want to take advantage of the system earlier, you must switch your Billing Period to a shorter one

Please note that the new system brings in some changes to our packages. It is advised that each customer studies the new packages carefully and only then decide whether they would like to continue with us from the start of their new billing term.