Support Assistance.

Sorry to post this in here but I need to get this answered.

I've been working with Biswas on a trouble ticket. I know what the problem is with the system but he doesn't not seem to understand what I'm trying to get accross from him.

Here is my problem, a few months ago a did a trial account with you guys. I used domain name on that trial account. When the trial was up the account was suspended with the domain still tied to it. Well now that I'm trying to configure a reseller account on the system I'm wanting to keep my domain but when I try to setup a service account with that domain I get an error message saying that the domain is allready taken. All I want for you or someone to do it so find the trial account with my domain tied to it and delete it so it will release the domain for me to use. the trouble ticket that I opened is 41037. Can you please work on this for me. I understand that you can administratively override the error message but I'd rather you just found the domain and removed it so I could set it up my self. I just don't have to end up having a problems with dns later because of two instances of my domain showing up on your system.


I will address this in support, however I see one thing, you have it properly set up as a Service Domain, did you remember in the signup process to select "Service Domain" then the domain from the drop down menu?
If not, it will give you a "domain already in use" error.
it looks like you got this set properly, I can see it in the control panel now.