The requested URL xxx was not found on this server

Hello, im trying to use a domain with a site hosted at jodohost. I have changed the nameservers, and when i go to the domain i get the following error.

Not Found
The requested URL /hsphere/local/home/[site]/[file].php was not found on this server.

please help.

/hsphere/local/home/[site]/[file].php is a file path, not a typical URL. Are you using some sort of CMS or blog software? If so, this looks like it can't find a required php file. Check to make sure you've uploaded all the files to the correct locations, have your app's configuration file edited correctly, and so forth.

If that's not the case, are you sure you have the domain name correct at your registrar? In your HSphere account?

Thanks for the reply.

i'm not using a cms or bloging software, i know the file it is looking for exists. im using a domain, ive changed the name servers to point to jodohost.

How do i add the domain to the hosting for this site? as are not supported by jodohost do i need to do anything for it to work?

It cant see any of the files i uploaded, however it can see my .htaccess file, can you figure that out?

Can you create a ticket for this?
Also, do you have any redirects in your .htaccess?