Ticket 30196

I had a ticket on mailing list problems. It was closed. I didn't receive any feedback. The problem is still there. What do I do? Can you please test this mailing list on your own by using your own moderator and subscriber addresses? Thanks.
This mailing list problem turns out to be a mail server problem. I just discovered that my two test messages sent by my own mail server here to two test addresses never reached there. I tried both a direct send by Eudora and from control panel. I had been using another mail server hosted elsewhere so I never knew this problem existed. No wonder the mailing list doesn't work because it uses the same mail server. I wonder this might also be the reason why I often miss getting tickets for support requests.
This problem occured only in the last 24 hours. Emails are being delivered but they are getting delayed.

Some customer abused the email system and a large queue was created. We have more or less cleaned that up and everything should be normal now

Thanks for the clarification. I appreciate it.

Now, assuming that the mailing list starts working, if I were to send out email to our customers from the mailing list, do I split them in batches so that it doesn't put a strain on your queue? Please advise on any recommended procedures.
