ToS question


According to the ToS, IRC bots and clients on JodoHost servers are not allowed.
I've always observed this rule, but recently Quakenet limited the maximum number of connections from the same host to 2 on my ISP, when we normally have 4 people on that particular network at any one time.

Therefore I was wondering.. If I set up a general (secured) SOCKS proxy on my VPS account, and connect to IRC through it, would that qualify as running IRC client software?

I don't really understand the purpose of this clause in the ToS. IRC is but one possible example of many similar technologies. So what exactly is forbidden? For any piece of software to connect to a server that happens to be an IRC server?
You can go ahead with a client. But we are against IRC servers

IRC is discouraged or disallowed by many hosts due to the increased chances of being DDOSED.