Upgrade to Reseller from Shared


A while ago I heard that JodoHost will migrate my shared hosting plan to a reseller account for me. Is this a fairly painless process to get all the applications and IIS settings transfered? Is there a way to upgrade to the reseller account through the control panel? All I can see are the levels of the shared hosting plan.

1. Please signup for reseller account and set it up.

2. Ask support to move your shared account to your reseller account. This account stays on the same server and there is no change in settings.
Hi Atul,

Thanks for the information. Will I have to cancel my shared account or will that happen automatically? I don't want to end up with two accounts.

your shared account will become an account of yours.

this means that jodo wont do anything , as the account is an account under your reseller account.
1. Please signup for reseller account and set it up.

2. Ask support to move your shared account to your reseller account. This account stays on the same server and there is no change in settings.

Does this still apply? I think I might have to move to a reseller account now.
Yes if both account hosted on same cluster.
please send us ticket with mention both account information, we will check it and get back to you.