uploading files during trial account

We have a program called WebShell integrated in the Control Panel. It is very powerful. Allows you to upload, download and manage all your files online. It even allows you to zip them on the server itself
OK well I think I will just sign up and see how things go for the first month. At worst I can use the trial versions of bftp or flashftp.

Getting a reliable host for my email is more important right now than how I upload my files.

Thanks for everything Yash
It can take anywhere between 15 minutes to 24 hours. We have to scrutinize each order for fraud (we deal with it every day)
OK no problem...

if you have any questions you have my email on file but you can also use ... as well provided it doesn't bounce back (the reason I am switching hosts)
You shouldn't face any mail problems with us. We don't use any filters on our server to keep incoming emails out
well I have been with M6 for 2 months now and their mail servers are constantly down.

the previous host decided to install spam filters that constantly refused messages from 2 of my friends so I had to stop using them. I was happy with the service but when your friends can't send you email....that is not good.

I really hope this is my last and final host.
I have a problem using cute ftp pro. Can u help me ???

STATUS:> Resolving host name win4.jodohost.com...
STATUS:> Host name win4.jodohost.com resolved: ip =
STATUS:> Connecting to ftp server win4.jodohost.com:21 (ip =
STATUS:> Socket connected. Waiting for welcome message...
220 WIN4 Microsoft FTP Service (Version 5.0).
STATUS:> Connected. Authenticating...
COMMAND:> USER alung200
331 Password required for alung200.
230 User alung200 logged in.
STATUS:> Login successful.
257 "/alung200" is current directory.
STATUS:> Home directory: /alung200
500 'FEAT': command not understood
STATUS:> This site doesn't support the 'features' command.
350 Restarting at 100.
STATUS:> This site can resume broken downloads.
350 Restarting at 0.
227 Entering Passive Mode (139,81,148,24,4,169).
STATUS:> Connecting ftp data socket
ERROR:> Can't connect to remote server. Socket error = #10061.

Thats the problem. Can u help me please???
OK. Go into your Program options. Make sure the follow settings are set as specified:

Send Feat Command: OFF
Mode: Active Mode Port
Port IP Mode: Auto
Force Server IP for PASV MODE: ON

I clearly see that your FTP program is using PASV mode