Video Streaming


I would like to be able to stream several short (20 min) videos from my site. Nothing high quality.

Any advise?


For streaming video you need to use a streaming video host I don't believe that jodohost provides this service. You may need to use someone that does.

snooper said:
not necesarily correct. i have streaming WMV files on many of my JH sites, all work ok.

To Snooper: So your Web site patrons download the WMV files? I mean, of course you can put the WMV files on your Web server and have people view them, but that doesn't mean they get streamed to them.

To Nathan: Try PlayStream
jpa7578 said:
To Snooper: So your Web site patrons download the WMV files? I mean, of course you can put the WMV files on your Web server and have people view them, but that doesn't mean they get streamed to them.

well i convert specifically to a streaming WMV - so it starts playing immediately. thats streaming.