Web services 101 CFMX

All web services are is nothing more then a CFC that has 1. access set to remote [access="remote" ] 2. ends with wsdl in the URL. [http://www.someURL.com/some.CFC?wsdl]That's it. Close the book on this subject. Another thing to watch out for is CFQUERY and web services. Don't follow any of the book examples
like the on page 238 chapter 27 under web services certified coldfusion mx developer by ben forta.

Inside the CFC you must add: 1. cfml2wddx

Outside use wddx2cfml inside the calling template.

<cfwddx action="cfml2wddx" input="#QueryTable#" output="query">

If you don't

you will get an java object which is another word for error
the object is called "object of org.apache.xerces.dom.DeferredElementNSImpl"


Could not generate stub objects for web service invocation.


something to with a QueryBean

either way WDDX is the answer. Dan