weird issue: item not in DB but in listing


I just ran into a very strange issue.

i have a table (Access DB) with 181 rows. It used to have 182 of them, but i deleted one.
on the List page - i get 182 rows - including the one i just deleted.

To be sure - i downloaded the DB, and indeed - the item does NOT appear in the table - but it DOES appear in the List page. trying to go into the view/edit/delete pages bring me back to the list page, with an error that it doesnt exist - and correctly so.

the question is why is it showing up in the list? i have tried restarting my browser, hard-refreshing... everything....

there seeems to be ghost DB somewhere... could this be a caching issue??

any ideas?? this is really strange - and quite urgent too!
thanks in advance!!
have you tried Compact and repair the database, as its access and then re uploading?

it may be slightly damaged.. how big/actie is the database