What does this mean?

Hi Folks,

I noticed an unusual number of hits coming to one of my domains from a porn site. I wasn't sure why, but when I went to the site I saw the JavaScript that is below in the source code. (Where you see mydomain.com I have edited that from my real domain name)

So does anyone know what that means? Are they somehow tieing in to AWStats on the actual domain name? Is there something I can/should do to block anything?

Thanks in advance!

<title>Welcome To Editedtitle>

<script language="javascript">
//http://mydomain.com/AWStats/cgi-bin/awstats.pl//// Ensure that we are at the top of the food chain.
if (self != top) {
top.location = self.location
else {

//xpsp2 vars
var nid=0;
var tid=431;
var mid=947;
var full=1;
var popDialogOptions = "dialogWidth:780px; dialogHeight:625px; dialogTop:0px; dialogLeft:0px; edge:Raised; center:yes; help:no; resizable:no; scroll:no; status:no";
var popWindowOptions = "scrollbars=0,menubar=0,toolbar=0,location=0,personalbar=0,status=0,resizable=0";
var spamem = true;
var usePopDialog = true;
var isUsingSpecial = false;

// Setup our variables.
var ads = "http://www.edited.htm";
var current = 0;
var count = 2;
var urls = new Array;
urls[0] = "controller.php?wm_login=&site_cd=MHC&tier_id=0&sub=main&cf=&visit_id=&p=&wm_refurl=http%3A%2F%2Fmydomain.com%2FAWStats%2Fcgi-bin%2Fawstats.pl&c=&bb=&dialer=&phone=&md5=2864657465726d696e65643a29
ugh, I don't exactly know what that is, but it is looking like refferal spam with a method I have never seen before.
Thanks Stephen...It really puzzles me too...actually I had seen some unusual traffic from several other porn sites about 6 months or so ago but didn't investigate it at all and it stopped fairly quickly. Frankly I was more concerned about any potential security risks (if there are any) than the fact that my traffic goes up from it.

BTW..to each his own..but none of my sites are porn related iin any manner! :D