What-if Scenario - Jodohost Turns Off Acct


What if a reseller's resold acct customer commits a Jodohost sin.

Does Jodohost shut down the resold acct domain only or does the reseller get shut down also?

If the reseller scenario equates to a porfolio of resold accts...and one of those resold accts breaches the Jodohost TOS, will all the porfolio accts be turned off?

Is it wise for a reseller to have all eggs in the one basket? or all accts on the 1 SERVER?

Seeking advise. All feedback welcomed! nt
In cases of spam we will immediately disable the end users account.

And only in cases of multiple(3+) accounts spamming under one reseller will be suspend the reseller account.

Edit: Spamming is the most common cause of suspension other than non payment(We do not ever suspend your users for nonpayment, that is up to you). Spamming is taken seriously and accounts are suspended for spam, we must take actions to stop spam. We however try our best to help the reseller work it out, and not suspend the reseller's own acccount unless they are very uncooperative or continually unsuspend a site we have suspended for spamming, of have multiple accounts sending spam.
Stephen said:
In cases of spam we will immediately disable the end users account.

What about a site that has been targeted by spammers? can we set-up e-mail acct for e-mail spam dumping? and does the incoming e-mail "spam" count toward the bandwidth if dumped? or sent-back to sender?

Thanks, nt
if you are targetted by spammers you can set all incoming mail marked as spam to go to an inbox that deletes the mail.......

and yes it does count against bandwidth, but if it is from the same source we can block it at the server firewall level.