Hello, What mail software is installed on the mail server?
B bored_admin Perch Jun 28, 2005 #2 Welcome Underdog: Currently there is: Horde SquirralMail SQWebmail I use squirralmail!! Hope this helps
Welcome Underdog: Currently there is: Horde SquirralMail SQWebmail I use squirralmail!! Hope this helps
U Underdog Perch Jun 28, 2005 #3 Actually I meant to ask the full set up (Hardware and Software)...also referring to mail handling at server rather than webmail Thanks there
Actually I meant to ask the full set up (Hardware and Software)...also referring to mail handling at server rather than webmail Thanks there
tanmaya APAC Operations Staff member Jun 28, 2005 #5 OS - RHEL3 MTA - qmail Hardware : Dual Xeon, 3 GB RAM, SCSI HD