I just received the following email and I'm not quite sure what to do with it -It's from "the Ithinkitsnifty.com team" (which is my domain) and has a ZIP file attachment with an EXE file inside. The file's name appears to be a random string of characters.
For additional information, here are the message's headers:
Is this some new tool that's been put in place or is this a beast of a different color?
Dear user, the management of Ithinkitsnifty.com mailing system wants to let you know that,
Our antivirus software has detected a large ammount of viruses outgoing from your email account, you may use our free anti-virus tool to clean up your computer software.
For further details see the attach.
For security purposes the attached file is password protected. Password is "45330".
Have a good day,
The Ithinkitsnifty.com team http://www.ithinkitsnifty.com
For additional information, here are the message's headers:
Return-Path: <info@micromark.com>
Delivered-To: hat@ithinkitsnifty.com
Received: (qmail 905 invoked by uid 399); 5 Mar 2004 13:25:43 -0000
Received: from unknown (HELO wmunday) (
by sls-ce2p20.dca2.superb.net with SMTP; 5 Mar 2004 13:25:43 -0000
Date: Fri, 05 Mar 2004 07:22:54 -0600
To: hat@ithinkitsnifty.com
Subject: Notify about using the e-mail account.
From: noreply@ithinkitsnifty.com
Message-ID: <lyjghssqyahqudpypad@ithinkitsnifty.com>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed;
Is this some new tool that's been put in place or is this a beast of a different color?