Who is this man?

I don't think I was ever intended to be a sales figure :D A few of our clients and staff can indeed affirm that is me, inside our datacenter facility.

For those curious, the pipes on the wall there are hot water return pipes for the HVAC system.
Ah, nice to put a face to the name. I assumed it was a generic stock photo, but just thought I'd ask. :)

But where's your poncho? :)
Ah, nice to put a face to the name. I assumed it was a generic stock photo, but just thought I'd ask. :)

But where's your poncho? :)

Poncho, I gave it up a while back. I use an umbrella now. I am trying to stay out of the rain
Well, it was more of an educated guess of mine I suppose..
I figured "they" wouldn't put some random data center tech dude in the picture, but some JodoHost person who spends time there.. or something.
I thought it was funny that all the cages on the left side of the photo appear empty.

:D there is actually only one cage there in reality, the editing to make it fit the flow of the site on multiple browser resolutions made at appear to be multiples(in essence making the cage wall the 'background') however at the time of the pictures that was a near empty cage.

It was a new buildout for about 5000 sq foot of space. Today it has a lot more in it, but still not full on the left side of this 'cage hallway', while everything except about 300 sq foot over to the right is full, and the entire 2nd floor is full.
It's an impressive facility. Stephen is pretty impressive as well, considering all he puts up with from some of us! And remember, the camera adds 10 pounds! :D
So here's for the person that says our facility pictures are faked because they are 'edited' (of course they are edited, I am not that small, nor is anyone in a website banner), and the panels are used to scale to browser sizes so it looks like a cavern of the same panel, yes we know that(and have said it here).

pic of servers that was too blurry to use, but shows panels in background, something we try to avoid normally. this is a reverse view at a different date than the picture I posted above

Hrm..looks familiar eh? yes it is scaled down and cropped to make 'cavern of panels'

here's the true 'hallway'

just a cool view that is behind those cage walls a bit of the chilled water exchange pipes :) you can see the blue stripe at the far background of the hallway, this is above that and the copper wiring pathway(the gray aerial path above the walkway of 3rd pic)