Win6 - Restoration Done


US Operations
Staff member
Win6 has decided to stop working at all for us to make an orderly transition, so it is time now to move to full blown recovery process on it.

We are working to bring a new server online in its place now.
Re: Win6 -Down and not coming - Recovery process

We have made a Server in maintenance page to display while all the users get created on the new server.
We are getting these done ASAP, but taking a little while.
Re: Win6 -Down and not coming - Recovery process

We are having to do a re-create of users due to having registry errors, this makes the process take longer, but will be better than attempting to make thinks work past the errors at this time.
Re: Win6 -Down and not coming - Recovery process

Sites will start to come up just after hsphere has the users recreated and accounts linked. This should start in the next 15 minutes for some, and be quite longer for others.
Re: Win6 -Down and not coming - Recovery process

Some sites are back, others are still actively having files restored, don't worry if seeing nothing just yet, we are aware not all done yet!
Re: Win6 -Down and not coming - Recovery process

We have quite a few sites restored now, but have encountered some errors on restoring backups and live from others, we are working through it now.
Re: Win6 -Down and not coming - Recovery process

If you have files and want to FTP them up to your account, you can proceed in doing this, we are still working on restore, there are many accounts and sites fully functional, but still quite a few in process and some having errors in restore processing. There is a chance we may overwrite what you put there as we restore.
Re: Win6 -Down and not coming - Recovery process

Win6 FTP as only listening on one IP, so it wasn't accepting FTP for most, it is resolved about 15 minutes back now.
Re: Win6 -Down and not coming - Recovery process

We've gotten a number of stubborn files restored now, so far only 4 files were unable to restore and they all looked to be a copy of each other with the same exact name, which should not happen in the first place. Not all accounts are restored, but progress is finally moving in a solid direction with these.
Re: Win6 - Recovery process, almost complete

We were able to get all but those above mentioned files and 2 domains of one user, and still seeing if possible to work around that, but so far not, others are all being extracted into the destinations now if not already there, there only a couple accounts not live now.