We will have to reboot WinVPS4 for some emergency maintenance at 11:30PM tonight.
There is no issue with any hardware or users VPSes however the platform VPS that is used for management is having an error that will require a hardware node reboot to fix.
This should take less than 10 minutes at 11:30PM EST tonight.
We apologize for the short notice, but require this in order to allow you to utilize the power panel that is available to control your server, as it is not working at this time.
There is no issue with any hardware or users VPSes however the platform VPS that is used for management is having an error that will require a hardware node reboot to fix.
This should take less than 10 minutes at 11:30PM EST tonight.
We apologize for the short notice, but require this in order to allow you to utilize the power panel that is available to control your server, as it is not working at this time.