WinVPS43 Node issue - watching closely


US Operations
Staff member
We are experiencing some issues on WinVPS43 with auto reboots on a regualr basis. We are attempting to resolve it ASAP.

This is new hardware that has some clients from WinVPS15 and WinVPS33. (but not all)

We will update here as we know more. For the time being we may have to shut down some VPSes to find the cause and resolution, and will start them back as soon as we can.
Re: WinVPS43 Node issue

Right now we are working with it successfully by starting limited numbers of VPSes(aka 1-2 only) and migrating them to other nodes live. We hate having to do this but have not much choice since sometimes even reboots after just 7-10 minutes up.
Re: WinVPS43 Node issue

It is staying very stable with this arrangement and we are able to migrate off to other nodes.
Re: WinVPS43 Node issue

we are going to let it run with 3 vps' and see if stable.
Re: WinVPS43 Node issue

No issues since the 2nd post with hardware node, and now all the remaining vps' are running on it properly.

We are working to get the rest off in an orderly manner, and will discuss with the clients directly on this.
Re: WinVPS43 Node issue

Moving to closely monitored status, all is going well at this time and since prior.