YIKES -- ASP.NET 2.0 problem with DotNetNuke 4.5.5


I am not sure yet where this problem stems from, but I just upgraded a site from ASP.NET 1.1 to ASP.NET 2.0 and, at the same time, upgraded from DotNetNuke 3.1.1 to 4.5.5

The upgrade process worked fine, but now it goes into an infinite loop trying to get to default.aspx.

This is a live site (or at least it is supossed to be), so recovery speed is somewhat of an issue at the moment.

Any ideas?
The site is www.artsandlearning.com
the infinite loop happens rather a lot with DNN, mostly due to some urlre-write configs.

you may want to initially disable any re-writing then check it.

Been a while since I have done it, but it typically has the words rewrite in it and you can do a find in doc.
the problem here is for sure in the alias config, do you know how to access the host admin to check this config from the host admin without the main login?
I can access the DB file directly on MSSQL8, on table dbo.PortalAlias -- editing / removing these does not seem to have helped.
I can also access the HostSettings table -- there I was able to switch off the 'friendly' URLs, but that, again, made no difference.

I cannot access DNN itself.
I'd probably recommend posting to DNN forums now, I have disabled friendly URLs and it is not the issue.

the issue lies in the fact that it is tring to redirect even the parent portal.
I have mostly seen this happen when people has done like this and install on a stop-gap domain, stop gaps really make a mess of things , however it still boils down to a DNN issue that I am unable to resolve because even by domain or stopgap it is trying to force a redirect.
OK -- then how de we get rid of the stopgap?
We only have a stopgap because when our company changed names, that was the only way since this site was under our service account. -- It was Jodo that recommended doing it this way :)

So, my partner and i have been at this for several hours, and we are thinking that DNN is getting confused somehow with IIS and the headers, which is a result of this being an alias of the IP address. Still, the IP itself does not work.

How hard would it be to delete the alias and add a domain? We would, essentially, have to copy everything over from the theatre1.b97.4sheep directory, but we are thinking it is worth a try. We think it would then, likely, work.

There is just one email address, and it is a forward, so I am not too worried about lost emails, although it would be nice to lose nothing.

By the way, thanks Stephen, I know this isn't your job to fix our problems, but you are just sooo smart!

PS -- I have posted on DNN forums, and it does seem to be a rare error, although I have yet to find the rare solution!
oh I am here to assist, and I certainly tried, but yes it is an IIS/DNN confusion with redirecting. I tried opening the admin pages using /tabid/number/etc but evne this tried to redirect me, so it's pretty confused at this point.

on a worst case we can restore the files from backups for DB and Site, back to DNN 3.x, then retry/re-execute the upgrade, that has worked in the past.
The problem is fixed.

For everyone who might come across this, here is the issue:

For some reason, during install/upgrade process, DNN changes the default.aspx to a different one -- I can only assume it is temporary.

Once I copied the default.aspx from my local machine (from the 4.5.5 upgrade folder) back to the server, everything worked just fine. Not sure why it took me 6 hours of downtime (with 2 develops + Stephen) to finally look at default.aspx, but it did...

I actually did look at the default.aspx and even tried to change the Server.Redirect to Server.Transfer, but I did not have the same version DNN install to compare to, and all i did with the change I made was to crash the app pool :(
(BTW it was following someones suggestions)

Anyway glad its resolved, and sometimes we overlook the most simple things!