Recent content by Semikolon

  1. S

    Your ticket support SUCKS big time

    I have myself argued in favour of you when your services and support have been discussed, and I don't say this is on all tickets, but I have myself experienced this problem several times
  2. S

    Your ticket support SUCKS big time

    I know I did bring this us earlier, and you said it should be fixed in the next version. but if you see on PSoft's update procedures, it may take a year or so till the next real update. You say I can talk with support over phone and LS. phone is not an alternative as I live in Norway (I would...
  3. S

    Your ticket support SUCKS big time

    yo, I just want to say it's time to change procedures in the support team. I have an unanswered ticket which is almost a week old now and I have bumped it FIVE TIMES! I have encountered such shit before when you are unable to solve the problem described, you just give a **** about the whole...