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  1. N

    Page Caching

    Quote Yash no, we do not have any sort of caching going on, on the webserver Yash are asp pages on the server ever cached into memory to help server performace? I assumed they were. Nathan
  2. N

    How much Monthly Bandwidth Do you use?

    My main site gets about 15,000 page views per day and this month (two weeks) it has already used over 100GB of bandwidth. I'm not complaining, as a busy site is obviously good news, but not so long back (2 years ago) I could easily manage on a 15GB per month package! I have no large downloads...
  3. N

    Backing up sites and DBs

    Somehow, I wish you hadn't made that claim ?( I would feel happer knowing that my data was on at least two servers. Could you tell me if that would be possible - and if I could do this myself on a regular basis? Nathan
  4. N

    Backing up sites and DBs

    I have a reseller account. My main site is on win5 and is about 500MB in size. Much of it is content uploaded by my members. I only have an ISDN internet connection, so downloading the files to make a local backup copy is not an option. Could I create a new spare account (that will be...
  5. N

    Great Support!

    Have to agree. Price, performace and service here at JH is hard to beat. Cheers. Nathan PS Yash, can you now take a look at ticket XXXXXX ;)
  6. N

    ASPImage sux! (apparently)

    Thanks Tristan, I thought as much. Currently, I am adding them to a record set, then using the built-in function to sort them. It just seems an un-neccessary overhead for the server though. Fortunately, I am managing to run the script only occasionally - when a new web cam image or photo is...
  7. N

    ASPImage sux! (apparently)

    My new gallery is working great. Thanks to Logon for his suggestion. But, I have a small problem. To show the galleries, I am using the File System Object: set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") set folder = fs.GetFolder(path) for each item in folder...
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    ASPImage sux! (apparently)

    Great idea, thanks SubSpace, I'll give it a go. I love the features that ASPImage offers me and it's so easy to use. Cheers Nathan
  9. N

    ASPImage sux! (apparently)

    Sorry yes I did Stephen. That's good news, I'll try adding the progress bar. I've just added a new system to display my members galleries in thumbnails - this will save me loads of bandwidth, but I am concerned that it puts extra demands on the server. I am creating the thumbs when a page...
  10. N

    ASPImage sux! (apparently)

    Love it. Thanks, I've been playing with AspJpeg and Upload today. Really easy to use and very powerful. Just a question though, what version is on the JH server as I would like to add the progress bar and I think only ver 3 suports it. Nathan
  11. N

    Win5 slow?

    I have not used any stored procedures. Is there an advantage in using them? Should I try to add my most used quieries? Nathan
  12. N

    Win5 slow?

    Since last night, my site seems very slow. My forum members have also noticed and reported it. I use an SQL database and wonder if that is causing any delay problems. Anyone else noticing anything? Nathan
  13. N

    Customer Support Tickets.

    Could you advise me how to deal with Customer Support Tickets. For example I have just had one where the client wants an addional ftp login username and password to a particular folder (domain). If I receive a ticket that I cannot deal with, how do i assign it to a Jodohost support member...
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    Email problem

    I use CDONTS, but it seems to have been corrected now. Thanks
  15. N

    Email problem

    My scripts sending emails, work, but the date of the sent email is yesterday. It's causing problems with my forum email notifications. Anyone else having a problem, or is it something I have done? Nathan
  16. N

    Another suggestion

    Deepscan, It's a great point. Not sure how practical it would be for JH to implement though. My time zone is GMT +2 , and when ever JH plans server maintenace, it tends to coincide with my sites busiest time. Nathan
  17. N

    Testing ASPUpload..Server address?

    When writing to text files, I find the absolute address path using the following code: <% response.write (Server.MapPath("test.asp")) %> Create a page with the above code, save it as test.asp and place it in the folder that you want to find the file path. It will return somthing...
  18. N

    bandwidth consumption

    I did a similar thing for a large download which was a 1mb file. My account only had a monthly bandwidth of 1GB - Ok this was a few years ago. I wrote a small script to count how many times the download link was followed. Once it got to 500, the link was disabled. I think something like...
  19. N

    Win 5 ftp problems

    Hello, Yash any news? I've been sitting at this PC for three hours trying to get things working. Nathan
  20. N

    Win 5 ftp problems

    Yash, sorry to pile on the pressure, but I first reported the problem at 11-21-04, 05:03 PM When it actually started I do not know. Please just check the file permissions. My site is virtually useless at the moment. Thanks Nathan