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  1. Shannara

    Price to reload VPS?

    What is the proper way to reload a Windows VPS? Say if I want to reload it w/o plesk? And the cost? Im looking at just having all my domains on a shared account and have my game servers off the vps.
  2. Shannara

    SQL 2005 reset?

    It seems to be working now :) Whatever you did, thank you very much !
  3. Shannara

    SQL 2005 reset?

    It looks like SQL 2005 server no longer allows new records added to it. I believe I am under 10 megs right now. I can read just fine but all of a sudden, I can no longer insert nor update records on the database .. Anybody else having the same issue?
  4. Shannara

    Have to love spamhaus

    Ref: Ref:
  5. Shannara

    SQL 2005... hm, let me think about that one.

    Opening takes awhile :), running queries are slower, seems like it's all client side, but ... *shugs*. Opening any window in it takes forever. Want it to generate scripts? Take a few hours for lunch ... that's a little bit exageration, but basically true. This is all on my work computer too...
  6. Shannara

    SQL 2005... hm, let me think about that one.

    Heh. I also hate it. One of the most slowest piece of junk MS ever released ... besides Win ME :) To think, Ms was dumb enough to code it in .NET ... grr .. Anyway, try EMS SQL Manager found @ it's not too bad ... And these people definately did not make the same...
  7. Shannara

    Asp 2.0 & Sql 2005

    Updates are always cool, thanks :) Once these buggers are up and running, i can remove sql server from my vps, whee!
  8. Shannara

    Adding 2nd and 3rd domains, how?

    Hello, any news on this? Just wondering, if not, I'll try to create private name servers for this domain.
  9. Shannara

    Adding 2nd and 3rd domains, how?

    Yeah, thats what i thought was well. However, once going through that, it requires you to create two new name servers for that domain. (weird, i know). So i placed in my ns/ for where these are pointing. Unfortunately, that doesnt work. Thus is the reason why Im looking for...
  10. Shannara

    Adding 2nd and 3rd domains, how?

    I would of thought that adding a 2nd domain to an existing account in plesk would be striaght foward. But unfortunately, it is not. And the step-by-step guide on this forum does not cover this ... do you happen to know of a tutorial somewhere for Plesk that gives a guide on how to add a 2nd (and...
  11. Shannara

    Step by step is a no go.

    ok, after reboot, vps seems to be working ok. It did add in the domain, but did no setup so I ran the bugger through the setup. It required name servers as existing ones (ns/ doesnt count. So I added two new ns records pointing to the quad ones. Unfortunately, godaddy does not...
  12. Shannara

    Step by step is a no go.

    Basically .. I added a domain do an existing account, it froze on "please wait" screen for 3 hours. After that, I closed the browser, logged back in and it errors out on login stating the following error: DefPackageMng() constructor failed: defpackagemng failed: Class not registered (COM Error...
  13. Shannara

    How to install application?

    Has to be isolated. I currently run a game server off my VPS accout. Granted, it's console only with connection to SQL Server. And granted, its fo ran online card game, sorta like Triple Triad. But still .. pings are quite low.
  14. Shannara

    How to have Plesk actually serve files?

    Ok, I have a file with the Ver extension. And IIS claims unable to find the file even though the path is correct. Where is the setting in Plesk to recognize/serve .ver files?
  15. Shannara

    How to install application?

    No virtual cd applications work on VPS here at jodohost, I already tried quite a few but none works. Gotta extract all files from the image (winiso, or iso busters), and install directly from the files themselves.
  16. Shannara

    1gig space

    Found it out. It was the 900mb sql 2005 setup files. After that was removed it cleared out almost another gig :)
  17. Shannara

    How to shut down/restart your VPS without locking it up

    Thanks for the info :) Today, I ran across "ran out of memory" errors even though I now have over 1gig free of hard drive. So I figured it was RAM. Fortunately, my RAM is at 82.16% but everything still gives an out of memory error, setups, programs, etc. I rebooted the vps to see if there was a...
  18. Shannara

    1gig space

    Ok, I just found out, and I should of looked closer next time .. That after Plesk is installed on the lowest windows vps plan, there is under 1 gig of space left for the plan user. My question is, how easy is it for me to get additional disk space? Especially in gigs? The reason I ask is that...
  19. Shannara

    Asp 2.0 & Sql 2005

    Awesome, thanks for the info!
  20. Shannara

    VPS Slowdown

    It's happening again, however according to the announcements they know it's running slow :) But actually, in this case, no php scripts can run, they all timeout :) Keep up the good work guys!