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  1. L

    To complete the transfer, you need to contact your Domain

    Thanks for the URL. Found them and now to transfer to a new registar and change my DNS. Liam
  2. L

    To complete the transfer, you need to contact your Domain

    "To complete the transfer, you need to contact your Domain registrar and have the DNS information changed" Perhaps a stupid question but how do I find out who the Registar is. Liam
  3. L

    What happens if a hacker hacks your website.

    Neither do I and that is why I am moving my site. From what I have had in answers here and what I have seen on the different forum answers here as well,I will be changing my trail account to a perment account. Thanks for the frank answer. Liam
  4. L

    Where do I find phpBB.

    Ok, will give it ago and thanks for the quick replies. Liam
  5. L

    Where do I find phpBB.

    Sorry, but I thought it was part of the package. I read about it at How does it work then? Do I have install it myself or what.? Liam
  6. L

    What happens if a hacker hacks your website.

    I am looking for another hosting company because the copy of Advanced Guest book I was using was hacked. It was supplied by the other hosting company. They blocked my account, blamed me and wanted 100% assurances that I would not do it again. They blocked me for over 12 hours because I could not...
  7. L

    Where do I find phpBB.

    Where do I find phpBB. Liam