Search results

  1. S

    Store and forward?

    If I put a forward on a mailbox in hsphere, will it "store" and "forward" or will it not store any mail that is forwarded? Thanks, Sanjay
  2. S

    Need to call unmanaged code

    Well, I have managed to find another hosting company (quite well known) where I can call unmanaged code from a shared Windows account. I am in the process of moving one of the main web site there. Just thought I will let you know.
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    Need to call unmanaged code

    I just got a reply from another hosting, quite well known, that they allow unmanaged dlls to be used in their 2.0 accounts as long as the dlls don't write to the registry. That is the only condition they enforce. I'm soon going to try them.
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    Need to call unmanaged code

    Hi Stephen, I'm a little confused on semi-dedicated and VPS plans. What is the main difference and which one is better? Will they also allow direct ISAPI, windows cgi exe and dll programs? I have looked at the description of these plans earlier, and I have always wondered that I will need...
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    Need to call unmanaged code

    I have been a long time jodohost customer on shared hosting. Now I want to be able to call unmanaged code (my own dlls) from 2.0. I don't know whether this requires medium trust, full trust or what. All I want to know is, is this possible on your 2.0 shared hosting...
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    Cookies and

    I have some csharp code that creates or updates cookies. It works fine on my local web site when testing. But it doesn't work on the actual web site hosted here on JodoHost. I tried both Internet Explorer and Firefox. The cookie file appears in the list but it is never updated. Has...
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    File permission in 2.0

    Thanks. I understand now. About Windows VPS, I am confused. I am not sure if it would require more work on my part. In shared hosting, I can count on many things like backup, monitoring and other software. In VPS, do I have to take care of these things and manage IIS myself, buy software...
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    File permission in 2.0

    Yes, that worked. I didn't know about this new App_data stuff in .net 2.0. I changed the datafile to "~/App_data/test.mdb" and it worked. BTW, is there a similar folder and relative path possible for putting DLLs to load with DllImport? Currently, I have to give an absolute path to DllImport...
  9. S

    File permission in 2.0

    I will try putting the mdb file in App_Data of the application. That might work.
  10. S

    File permission in 2.0

    The VS 2005 project is using an asp:AccessDataSource that points the DataFile attribute to that file in the other folder. >>I think the medium trust settings on .NET allow only direct file access to files that are inside the application directory.<< I have another web site in 2.0 that is...
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    File permission in 2.0

    I have been using hand coded 1.1 successfully for quite some time. But recently, I uploaded a VS 2005 developed web form (grid showing an access db) to my 2.0 enabled site. This works fine on my local PC. But on the web site, it gives the following type of error: Error...
  12. S

    Web sites/mail down

    The web sites on win24 are down since 7 PM eastern. I can't access mail as well. Your tickets web site is inaccessible too.
  13. S

    SPF question

    I am looking at SPF and also read a few threads here. I have set the default value of "Pass" for SPF through control panel. But I don't understand how it makes a difference to spoofing attempts whether I don't use SPF at all in control panel vs. I put it as a "pass" value. Can someone...
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    Sudden problem

    LATEST UPDATE: This problem appeared for about 5 minutes then went away. Problem: My Eudora is suddenly giving a "Cert chain not trusted" error on the mail server from Jodo domain. Here is the dump. Should I worry about this? Certificate: Data: Version: 3 (0x2)...
  15. S

    Writing to web.config (

    My openconfigurationmanager call is failing due to trust level medium. I want to be able to provide a change feature for some web.config app settings. Is there any way around it? I am assuming I can not change the trust level to full. Can I?
  16. S

    OleDB errors since yesterday

    Here it is: 10/11/2007 10:41:33 AM: Error: System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException: Unspecified error at System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection.ProcessResults(Int32 hr) at System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection.InitializeProvider() at System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection.Open() at...
  17. S

    OleDB errors since yesterday

    I have already filed a ticket on this. I am seeing sudden and occasional OleDb errors since yesterday on my access databases in my scripts. I am seeing oledb errors in the stuff that has been working for years without problem. I have put stack trace of these errors in the ticket. I...
  18. S

    Mail sent from script not delivered to some addresses

    I asked support, added SPF from the control panel and it started working. I'm surprised. Thanks.
  19. S

    Mail sent from script not delivered to some addresses

    For some target email addresses, the mail sent from an script on the web site does not reach (probably stopped by dspam). Symptoms: 1) I verified by sending mal through script to many of my email addresses. On one of the addresses, I found this problem. 2) Then, I sent the same...
  20. S

    Mail servers timing out

    It's working now. Thanks.