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  1. E

    How not to get Spamcoped

    well I could always use the built in mailing list we have here in the control panel. i think that would be sufficient or no ?
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    How not to get Spamcoped

    well that was the idea of the post i can still set up the system. can you receomend an opt in email system? thanks
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    How not to get Spamcoped

    Hey, well I have set up a web page as to where people sign up to recieve information about parties. I was reading over spamcop's site and it says this: However the initial sign up is accomplished, whether on a web site, by email, or otherwise - the final confirmation phase should use a...
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    Spam Filtering Turned Off?

    I seem to beg etting loads of spam now.. on mail3 submitting ticket
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    hsphere 2.5!

    wow ok.. well maybe soon :)
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    hsphere 2.5!

    just read this :) How long till we have it here, that dedicated server management capabilities is looks tempting.. sql2005 very nice aswell!!
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    gmail to Jodo

    Hello, I am having trouble receiving emails from gmail they do not come in at all. anyone have the same issue? thanks erik
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    anyone else getting these strange spamcop replies?

    yeah askay juts let me know about that. but the spam cop issues seems weird. Please update us when you can. thank you,
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    anyone else getting these strange spamcop replies?

    actually got my ticket email rejected by spam cop. going on live chat now.
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    anyone else getting these strange spamcop replies?

    Hello, I to am getting the error message but for ip
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    Spam on mail 3

    Yeah I put in a ticket in regards to this and they are working on it. im getting like 60 spam emails a day.
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    mail3 again

    there we go:
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    mail3 again

    it was moved not deleted ... i can't find it via the posts but I can if I view all my posts.
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    mail3 again

    having problems with outlook now. why where posts deleted? why is there not update in the anouncement section? ?( 8)
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    Out of Disk Space Error again

    so soon we will get mail5 ?
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    Help moving MSSQL DBs from Reseller-Center

    RCdays :( i wish you luck!
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    Email Fraud

    i used to get errors then I set it to pass
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    mail3 stil lacting slow.

    more info please :) 8o
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    mail3 stil lacting slow.

    I think Jodo does a real good job overall. Service, staffing, response times etc.. sometimes it really does not depend on the company to make things work. Sometimes other resellers can affect the way our business are run. Could be spaming of the mail server or big mail out. Mail service...
  20. E

    mail3 stil lacting slow.

    thanks foir the info yash :D when a mail server is acting up, clients tend to call quicker since its the first thing they notice. Sometimes even before me. LOL