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  1. E

    mail3 stil lacting slow.

    Re: mail3 still acting slow. oh boy. this server holds a lot accounts, lots of emails aswell. a migration of such would be huge.
  2. E

    mail3 stil lacting slow.

    Is it me or anyone else mail3 still acting slow after they fixed it today? ?(
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    mail error on mail2

    good job on this. i had 2 big new clients ontop of me one paying over $100 a month and changed dns yesterday :P murphy huh ?
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    mail error on mail2

    an ETA would be great on this ...
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    mail error on mail2

    will mail2 be picking up all emails that do not arrive on mail4 in good theory am I correct ?
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    mail error on mail2

    ok so basically its the other way around mail4 realys to mail2 i will wait then thanks
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    mail error on mail2

    I have a client that is timming out he has a mail2 with realy on mail4 I would think this mail4 downtime would not affect them. anyone else having the same problem? thanks
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    new jodo staff

    very happy with the new staff jodo has :) they have solved my questions very fast and the are very helpful!! ;)
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    nooooooooooo! tetris
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    IMAP and importing current Outlook email

    id do this. Delete the pop3 account, but do not delete the emails leave them as is maybe in a new folder. Add the imap account and create folders and just drag and drop. i did this when switching from a previous host to jodo. hope it helps
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    Macromedia Breeze

    a client is asking if we can install Macromedia Breeze on one his hosting account. I tried looking at the page did not find much info on requirements. Wondering if anyone has installed this or if we can do so with jodo. thanks erik
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    colocation services

    Is jodo host offering this now? Thanks!
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    Oracle 10g FAQ

    I am very new to oracle, but I am sure there is a big market for here. I have some questions questions here: Where can you add an oracle account and set the tablespace limits for each oracle Account. Also how can you increase the limit on the table space for an account for the reseller...
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    new look ...

    thank you for the comments I wil ltake them into consideration
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    new look ... its in spanish :P and itsn ot done but i would liek you guys to let me know your thoughts it will be finished during the week but before content is put on there, I am wanting some reviews on the layout and feel thanks! PS any comments are good comments...
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    Calling all X-RC Members

    well today I transfered my last site from RC over here. i have had 3 host for 2 months now between changing servers and migrating and what not. I feel that JODO will let my buisness grow as it should. thank you
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    Win2 Outage

    great! how much ram is it running on now?
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    TOS and AUP in Spanish?

    I know probably no one will have this but I would still liek to ask. Anyone here have a spanish version of the Jodo Host TOS and AUP ? trying to save up some typing time. 8) ?(
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    MIVA Setup

    what is miva?
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    Calling all X-RC Members

    I still have 2 sites in RC. I plan to move both of them this weekend. today email was given errors horden ot working bad CS. can't wait till friday.