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  1. E

    Can't Log Support Request

    hello, Ican log in. but I can log in always after the second try. weird though its happened in all panels of this sort that I have used.
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    india quake

    Ravi, good to hear that. my country to has had really bad earthquakes. Currently my neighbor countries are suffering a lot to. what is happening no a days? 8o
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    india quake

    good morning, my condolences go to all those lost in india with this 7.2 quake. I really hope that all the Jodo staff is ok and their families aswell.
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    Hello, just wondering if you guys can recomend any sorts of accouting software to use. an all in one crm erp and billing would be ideal, I was looking at peach tree but not web based. what do you guys use? What does jodo use? :P thanks!
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    mailing list export

    I copied and pasted 3 mailing lists to an excell file more than 5000 emails. took longer to import it into the mailing list than to copy it. 1000 at a time. works good now. :)
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    it feels good!

    small issues just mean email passwords changed. I might have forgot some email accounts to get transfered. but thats it. nothing mayor! :)
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    it feels good!

    It feels good to have finished the migration to Jodo! All my sites are now properly redirected and working here at jodo. Small problems but not many defitnately not as many as the previous migration. I transfered all my email form the old server to this server with out a problem. I felt...
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    MySQL Releases Most Ambitious Database Yet,1895,1864190,00.asp :)
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    If you are a customer of Jodohost

    NAP and BEer sounds good!
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    migrating stats & email lists

    thanks for the repsonse. ANd how about all those other folders cp, cgibin asp aspsecured. can I upload those folders to? or should I leave those untouched and just upload files. ( its easier for to upload : mydomain.comn folder ) thanks!
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    migrating stats & email lists

    Hello, 2 quick questions here. is it possible to migrate web stats lets say form AW stats and Webalizer? Also how would someone go about migrating an emai list? Thanks! erik
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    Which Forum Software ?

    I have always used phpbb2 not had a problem with it. don't know about server load or performace its been working nicely.
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    mailing list export

    Hello, I have been trying to export my mailing list. Its pretty big does anyone know the command to get the compelte list of emails to export and then to later import it. I usually do it copy and paste but it hs grown a lot. Thanks! Erik
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    General Questions

    Ok, From what I understand here. When the primary mail server fails, jodo up's the secondary mail server. This seocndary mail server works prefectly with all of our email accounts, in case the primary does not come up for hours. for example: primary fails, how long to get the...
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    mail server set up

    One of my main concerns for my clients is email. Many of them depend solely on them for their business to run. I am not fimiliar on the way the server here is set up. I activated in all my plans the Mail relay option. What happens if the mail server fails, does the relay come into...
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    anyone used them? they are based out of netherlands. I have limited options when it comes to acepting credit cards. they are very similar to the way paypal works. 8)
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    beign bought out.

    Thank you all very much for your comments. It's dificult to make you business grow when you have so many up and downs and things happen in the back ground that you do not know. i wish I would of gone for jodo instead of my current provider. I will be be becoming a customer of jodo. I hope...
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    beign bought out.

    Being bought out. Hello, By all means do not take this post as a threat or as something to cause problems i here, no offense intended.. No names will be given. I have had a long hard 4 months with my hosting providers. I was with one and they where runing fine until they got bought, i...
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    ok just sent one in. but no automatic response.
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    will sending emails work ? i think not no response I have something in the works with jodo. where can I send emai lto? thanks!