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  1. F

    win1 dead slow

    Yep, that's what I really like about JodoHost. They really get onto these issues very fast and solve them. I was with WebHost4Life for sometime and I saw similar slow down from time to time. Reported it several times but their support person didn't have a clue.
  2. F

    win1 dead slow

    Yep, that did it :) Everything is fast as always now. Just one question, how do you locate a website that is abusing?
  3. F

    win1 dead slow

    I cant access any of my ASP pages, what's up?
  4. F

    Server Down?

    hmmm. I do hope JodoHost revises this termination policy. I'd like to be provided some notice before termination I do however understand JodoHost's stand on server usage. The speeds and uptime around here have been excellent and Yash did commit they they would maintain that for years to...
  5. F

    Suggestion: Better designed Home Page

    lol! what do you people so with such high resolutions?
  6. F

    Yash - your PM Box is full

    Your PM box is full. I wanted to send you a private message
  7. F

    My Site

    It looks good. But it can look much better if you put a little more time in it. :) Where did you get those flash buttons from? I've seen them somewhere before and would like to use them too :D
  8. F

    New forum layout, suggestions?

    yep, that would be great. How about just have one big forum called customer support and within that you have general support and the other Q & A forums (database, email, web/dns, etc). That way customers won't get confused (like they are now) about where to post.
  9. F

    New forum layout, suggestions?

    it says: I had a suggestion about My Account Why don't you split it up into several forums (Database Q & A, Email Q & A, Billing Q & A, Domain/Website Q & A, etc) Would make things easier
  10. F

    New forum layout, suggestions?

    umm.. so what competitions does Drew plan to hold? :D (it says you will in that announcement)
  11. F

    New forum layout, suggestions?

    wow. we need some changes in the template too (like getting rid of the purple colour!) forum layout looks good. you might want to have a Cold Fusion MX forum because thats becoming popular here at Jodohost.
  12. F

    Book your land on the moon today!

    wait a minute, it was an amercican that came up with the idea
  13. F

    DBAdmin - Manage Access DBs Online!

    cool! could someone please download the .msi, extract the source files and upload it there. I don't have IIS so I can't get the .msi to extract the source files. I'll just upload them to my webspace then :)
  14. F

    Happy birthday StPatrick

    I guess you have the 2nd highest posts after Yash as well!
  15. F

    Is Email Reliable?

    had no problems personally I believe yorri did.
  16. F

    SQL Server login ODBC error 80040e4d

    make sure you have put your sql database's usernamd and password in the connection string
  17. F

    ASP Programmers Needed...

    or Cold Fusion MX I bought a book a couple of days ago and I'm learning it pretty fast :)
  18. F

    Access Database via Control Panel connection?

    i think it would be simply "yourdatabase.mdb"
  19. F

    Under Construction

    lol, waiting for dave speak :D
  20. F

    Any idea when Horde will be available??

    any update on Horde or FTP sub accounts? :)