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  1. F

    When are you moving to the new data center

    Well, this looks like its gonna take longer than expected. Thought it would be finished on Sunday. Anyway, I'm glad that JodoHost is doing something about the blacklisted IP problem and it will be solved. Most companies wouldn't even inform their customers let alone dealing with it. Also, I'm...
  2. F


    That is neat :)
  3. F

    Watch out ALL!!!!

    51 posts.. making progress. Slow and steady wins the race :) :)
  4. F

    Watch out ALL!!!!

    i think StPatrick beat u to that :) Only 50 posts to go for me
  5. F


    I can't be patient! What type of reseller packages would these be if you care to go into some detail?
  6. F


    finallly! What else changes are being made?
  7. F

    What is your favorite programming language?

    wow.. when I voted.. it took me to the Summary Disk Usage poll
  8. F

    datacenter shift

    Thanks for the update. I don't care how long this takes or if there is any downtime, I just want to be able to send my email....
  9. F

    IP addresses being blocked by SORBS?

    glad to hear that.
  10. F

    datacenter shift

    You said you were shifting back to a PA datacenter this weekend. How come you haven't made any announcements about this? Sorry if I'm getting a little wrestless
  11. F

    Freedom for Iraqis?

    Let's see... half the population has no electricity, no water, no food no nothing. There is widespread looting in a lawless city. At least people could live in peace under Saddam. I was actually reading somewhere where Saddam shot dead his health minister in the course of a meeting when he...
  12. F

    Forum buggy?

    whoa! I just got 30 emails from the forum emailer saying Ron posted in the post titled "Windows Scheduler" even when I'm not subscribed to it!
  13. F


    looks like they unbanned jodohost :) :)
  14. F

    linux packages

    yeah.. the competition in linux is crazy.. seeing hosts give out 1GB for $4.99/month! Same thing costs triple here at JodoHost but i'm sure its worth the extra cash
  15. F

    This Time I Am Stark Raving Mad!

    i'd really like to know who this people are :) This story belongs on WHT!
  16. F

    Dedicated IP

    Since JodoHost is throwing in a dedicated IP for so cheap, I thought I'd buy one.. are there any real advantages?
  17. F

    Sign Up Page ...

    No.. i don't doubt your security policy but not allowing custom components is a little excessive don't you think? And not allowing passive FTP a little too much? ;) Don't know any hosting companies that implement policies with these two restrictions
  18. F

    Sign Up Page ...

    You are not alone. They have banned CIHost as well which has over 100,000 customers and support centers around the world... Don't think they spammed either
  19. F

    Sign Up Page ...

    no. I write at WHT that JodoHost is paranoid about security (because they have disabled passive FTP, dont allow many components, put restrictions on aspupload, etc) and Yash was referring to that.
  20. F

    Axis of Evil Wannabes

    Axis of Evil Wannabes by John Cleese Bitter after being snubbed for membership in the "Axis of Evil," Libya, China, and Syria today announced they had formed the "Axis of Just as Evil," which they said would be more evil than that stupid Iran-Iraq-North Korea axis President Bush warned of...