Search results

  1. Good Oyster

    Placing site on server with CF7

    Thanks, wasn't sure about it. Hasn't mattered before as the CF version of my sites and my other client's sites wasn't that important.
  2. Good Oyster

    Placing site on server with CF7

    I may have a new client who will need CF7 in order for his web site's eCommerce to function properly. When he signs up, what do I need to do to make sure his site is on the server running CF7?
  3. Good Oyster

    WinCF2 -> CFMail -> SMTP Server Issues - HELP!

    Thanks, but I knew about and was already doing that, to no avail! Works fine for the forms that work, makes no difference for those that don't.
  4. Good Oyster

    Emails not going through to other Jodohost domains

    I have at least 20 other such "Contact Us" forms using the same cfmail tag and the only real difference is the domain names. All of those forms work fine, no spam issues to any accounts. Some of them do not even have server, username or password attributes! So it's the inconsistencies in the...
  5. Good Oyster

    Emails not going through to other Jodohost domains

    Thanks, Tim. I tried it, but it still does the same thing. After several emails and tests with tech support, it appears that all the copies sent to a Jodohost account were being marked as SPAM and deleted. The main problem appears to be DSPAM. According to tech support, the messages from the...
  6. Good Oyster

    Most annoying Jodo reseller - post tickets

    Did you submit a ticket? :eyebrows:
  7. Good Oyster

    WinCF2 -> CFMail -> SMTP Server Issues - HELP!

    Thanks for persisting with this, 68shelby, but unfortunately is still has not resolved the problems I'm having with forms. Some domains send without a problems, others still never appear. It was mentioned in another thread to have SMTP Authentication activated for the domain, but I cannot find a...
  8. Good Oyster

    Emails not going through to other Jodohost domains

    Where do you enable SMTP Authentication?
  9. Good Oyster

    Emails not going through to other Jodohost domains

    That's kind of why I'm hesitant to bother with a ticket. It's one of those things that you never know when it will happen, and it's hard to duplicate it for testing. I've got probably 20-30 forms running using cfmail, on every CF server except the new CF7 server. Some work without a hitch...
  10. Good Oyster

    Emails not going through to other Jodohost domains

    I've got some clients complaining that emails sent from their domain hosted on Jodohost is not being received by people using other domains hosted on Jodohost. For instance, my client's email is wpo@*****, which is hosted on wincf3. He sends a message to my account at...
  11. Good Oyster

    MySQL connection problem

    The CF Admin connection was already made. If it hadn't been made, I wouldn't have even been able to connect to the database. Connecting wasn't the problem. The problem was some option was set to "maintain database connections", which Stephen removed, fixing the problem.
  12. Good Oyster

    Customer problem - created ticket, sent email, still no response from JH

    I have finally received a confirmation email and the ticket now shows up in the Cerberus ticket history - only took 2 1/2 hours! So obviously there was a problem, hopefully now it's fixed and my ticket will be handled.
  13. Good Oyster

    Customer problem - created ticket, sent email, still no response from JH

    If I had a confirmation email, I could tell you that.
  14. Good Oyster

    Customer problem - created ticket, sent email, still no response from JH

    I have an issue with a new customer I need to get resolved. I created a ticket almost 2 1/2 hours ago, never got confirmation. An hour later, I sent an email to tech support, and CC'd Stephen. Still no response from that. Is there an issue with the help desk and support emails?
  15. Good Oyster

    MySQL connection problem

    I've got an application I'm developing, and the part I've uploaded to the Jodohost server keeps giving this error: Error Executing Database Query. [Macromedia][SequeLink JDBC Driver][ODBC Socket][MySQL][ODBC 3.51 Driver][mysqld-4.0.27-standard-log]Lost connection to MySQL server during query...
  16. Good Oyster

    AWStats access

    I need to give a client access to his AWStats, but I don't want to give him the FTP login and password currently used to access the stats. Can a different username/pw be set up to just view the AWStats?
  17. Good Oyster

    Can't receive email... and I'm stumped

    If she's using XP, do restore back to a date prior to the trouble starting. Then see if it works again. Sometimes Microsoft will do an update that messes up their own programs, especially if it isn't the latest version. If it works after the restore, do a search for updates and let any new...
  18. Good Oyster

    Fastest way to receive e-mail?

    There are so many factors involved in the sending of a message, especially ones you can't control, that trying to "speed it up" is futile. How large is the message? Any attachments? How many hops must the various packets make between destinations? What are the configurations of the sending and...
  19. Good Oyster

    Domain billing issues

    As I said, something is wrong with the billing process. Since I paid using an instant payment method (Paypal with credit card), and received confirmation of payment being received, I don't feel I'm being unreasonable to expect the control panel to recognize that payment. It has no trouble...
  20. Good Oyster

    Domain billing issues

    There is something seriously wrong with Jodohost's domain name registration/billing process. I tried to renew a domain today for 2 years using Paypal. Transaction went through without a hitch (I thought) as I received confirmation from Jodohost and Paypal that payment was made and received...