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  1. Good Oyster

    Weird email failure messages

    I had a client report the same sort of thing today. Looks like an "alphabet" spambot firing off messages. All the addresses are in alphabetical order. It may be someone trying to find a mail server they can exploit for their purposes.
  2. Good Oyster

    Dual Opterons coming soon

    That's great news. The Opteron is a magnificent processor, and personally I've come to prefer all AMD chips over the Intel. Offering such top-of-the-line equipment should only solidify Jodohost as one of the premiere hosting companies.
  3. Good Oyster

    Blackstone Released - When Will Jodo Upgrade?

    MG, No, I was mainly concerned with compatibility with the new version. About 75% of the code on the site I had on CFMX7 was written before CFMX was out. The rest was written while on a CFMX6 server. I did not have to make any changes to my code. The site is for my sister's band, and used CF...
  4. Good Oyster

    Blackstone Released - When Will Jodo Upgrade?

    I was the first (and only) one who responded to Stephen's request for testers on WinCF2. I moved one of my sites over, and it was there for about 2 weeks with no issues. However, there was a problem with one of the other servers, and I believe Stephen told me he had to take WinCF2 offline as a...
  5. Good Oyster

    Hi Iam the new one in this forum

    Um, welcome to the forum, I think.
  6. Good Oyster

    Secure Email

    If they are sending patient data, you better look into what it takes to be HIPAA compliant. May not be something you can do via a shared server.
  7. Good Oyster


    Is the arcade gone for good? It's been awhile since I felt like playing, and now I see it is gone! I really wanted to squish some rabbits and knock some bloody penguins around!
  8. Good Oyster

    WinCF DataSource error

    Yes, whatever was done fixed it. It would be nice to know what was done in case something like this happens in the future. It would eliminate a lot of explanation needed to get things resolved.
  9. Good Oyster

    WinCF DataSource error

    As a follow up, some sites are using MySQL, some are using Access. None of them have had any changes made to their DSN, ODBC, etc. Worked fine until about 11 a.m. EST today
  10. Good Oyster

    WinCF DataSource error

    My sites that are on WinCF and pulling from databases are giving me this error: The DataSource service is not available.This exception is usually caused by service startupfailure. Please check your server configuration. I have submitted a ticket and spoke with Yogendra on Live Chat. I...
  11. Good Oyster

    Cannot access email

    Whitewash it or spin it any way you wish, Yash, but this was still a customer service and tech support failure. What you consider a "very small scale issue that only temporarily affected CP and webmail usage" I consider 6-8 hours out of my workday, maybe more. Oh yeah, add me to the list of...
  12. Good Oyster

    Cannot access email

    Sorry, Yash, but the DNS isue DID affect my website and my email. Since I could not get into HSphere and phpMyAdmin and make some needed changes to my site, it cost me one advertiser. And, since the DNS issue wouldn't allow me to access my email via my email client or via webmail, I missed...
  13. Good Oyster

    Cannot access email

    Anyone else having trouble accessing email? I cannot get to my account via Thunderbird or via the webmail (Horde, etc.) When I go to I get a 403 error - "You are not authorized to view this page". Well, I should be authorized, I pay my bill each month!;) I wonder if...
  14. Good Oyster

    How about a BlueDragon server?

    Not sure how they compare feature-wise, but CFMX7 Enterprise is $5999 for a license, Bluedragon JX is $1249. I don't know of any features Bluedragon is lacking that someone in a shared environment would need. But any option that allowed CF to be run on a Linux server would be welcome...
  15. Good Oyster

    How about a BlueDragon server?

    No HSphere? That might be a bonus! I know CPanel works with Linux/BlueDragon, because I used to have a VPS with another host with that setup. I was just too much of a Linux newbie to make keeping it worthwhile. But I sure liked the Linux stability!
  16. Good Oyster

    How about a BlueDragon server?

    Would Jodohost consider building a Linux server that runs BlueDragon? I would move most of my sites to a Linux based server in a heartbeat if I could still use ColdFusion, and BlueDragon on Linux works great. Would anyone else prefer to have their ColdFusion apps running on a reliable Linux...
  17. Good Oyster

    New Forum

    Ok,sorry, but I'm just posting to see what this AJAX thing is about. Edit: No difference in posting, but editing is done in place. Cool.
  18. Good Oyster

    Sleeping through Wilma :)

    Glad to hear all is well at the NAP. It's good to know that NAP's backup systems were operational. Here in Sarasota we were well north of where the eye made landfall, but we still received winds close to hurricane strength. We lost power for about 12 hours, and our cable was out from about 1...
  19. Good Oyster

    Ho many domains?

    I have 16 domains on Jodohost that I own and are hosted on my reseller account. I have another 12 domains hosted here on a shared plan that are owned by one of my corporations.
  20. Good Oyster


    As a note of encouragement, Stephen and the techs moved all of my sites over to WinCF a couple of months ago, and it went real smooth. DNS resolved in less than an hour, they got all my DSN connections changed over, and all went well. And the cfx_image tag works great. I've ben playing with it...