Search results

  1. Good Oyster

    File doesn't exists, but it does!

    I can make changes, add and delete other .cfm files, in the same directory. It is just this one file that isn't "cooperating". I'll gladly open a ticket, if I knew what to ask them to do!
  2. Good Oyster

    File doesn't exists, but it does!

    It has a .cfm extension, and this file worked fine until made some minor code changes and uploaded the new file. Even if it was something wierd, if it shows up in the FTP folder, isn't it being recognized, and shouldn't I be able to delete it?
  3. Good Oyster

    File doesn't exists, but it does!

    This is strange. I have a webpage file that I can see when I FTP in to my account, and I can drag and drop a copy to my desktop. But if I try to delete it, or rename it, or access it via the web, I get a "File not found" message. Is this something I should get tech support to look at, or is...
  4. Good Oyster

    MySQL = My nightmare!

    Riley, you got it! I had accidently changes the field to a TinyINT while making some other field changes. I changed it to a MediumInt - that should be plenty! Thanks for the tip. I knew there was something familiar about 127, but I forgot my basic binary! There are 10 kind of people in the...
  5. Good Oyster

    MySQL = My nightmare!

    AHHH! Could be. I'll check it. Thanks.
  6. Good Oyster

    MySQL = My nightmare!

    Ok, I'm no idiot, but I'm no MySQL guru either! I'm trying to insert some data into a table in a MySQL database. I had 125 records to insert from one MySQL table to another. The receiving table already had 3 records in it. I ran my script to download from one and upload to the other. All but...
  7. Good Oyster

    Forum time incorrect?

    Is it just me, or is the forum time off again? It is showing one hour earlier than it really is. Did they "spring back" instead of "spring forward" for Daylight Savings Time? For instance, I am posting this at 5:22 pm, EST. What does the post's timestamp say?
  8. Good Oyster

    Problem logging in to phpMyAdmin

    I'm on the 64... server, and that's what I was trying to sign in to. With Stephen's help, we discovered that if I type in the IP address, then choose the phpMyAdmin option, then sign in as usual, it works fine. But if I try to use the link from HSphere, it just keeps returning me to the sign...
  9. Good Oyster

    Problem logging in to phpMyAdmin

    OK, thanks Yash. I just saw the notes about the upgrade, and some mention of MySQL, so wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something. -G
  10. Good Oyster

    Problem logging in to phpMyAdmin

    I have tried to log in to phpMyAdmin to make some database changes, but it won't recognize my password. It worked fine on Friday, and yes I've sent in a ticket. Did the HSphere upgrade change anything I need to be aware of that might be affecting this?
  11. Good Oyster


    To Stephen and all the tech support guys (Yash, too!), Thanks for the help you give. I am quick to start asking questions and publicly question your abilities when things go wrong, but have been lax in giving public praise and equal time to when you work things out quickly and politely. I know...
  12. Good Oyster

    CFX Tag for Image Resizing

    Do you need more input from other CF users? How about a poll? Or will you just take my word on it that we need this? :D
  13. Good Oyster

    CFX Tag for Image Resizing

    Wow, Johan, I'm impressed, both with the quality of the images and your wife! ;) I could definitely use such a CF tag. I thought the new version of CF was going to have some image manipulation built in, but I read that they skipped that because there were other ways, via CFX tags and/or Java...
  14. Good Oyster

    Setting a ColdFusion DSN

    I know the HSphere ColdFusion DSN creation was buggy, so we have to have tech support do it for us. Can you give me an idea of what information is needed when I need to request a ColdFusion DSN connection for one of my clients? By sending in a ticket, do you already know what my account is...
  15. Good Oyster


    Tech support should be able to set up a scheduled task for you. I have one that runs every morning to initiate a ColdFusion script I wrote to import some data from a remote server. Send in a ticket and request for them to set up the scheduled task you need. They should be able to do it, unless...
  16. Good Oyster

    Access Lockfile

    Thanks Stephen! PM on its way!
  17. Good Oyster

    Access Lockfile

    My account was recently moved from Win2 to WinCF (Thanks Yash and crew!). My websites on Win2 had a root on C: drive, and now on WinCF they are on E:. I have some linked tables in Access databases that had to be changed due to this, so I downloaded them, updated the linked table path, and...
  18. Good Oyster

    Unsolicited Adult Spam

    I'm amazed that I practically receive zero spam on my GMail accounts. And those are the accounts I use to sign up for newsletters, buy stuff online, etc. But personal acounts, Hotmail, etc. are flooded with spam. I use Thunderbird to check all my POP3 accounts, and its filters do a great job...
  19. Good Oyster

    Unsolicited Adult Spam

    Yash- I've also had some customers complaining of a sudden surge in porn spam. I'll try to have them forward examples to me so I can send them to you for blocking as well. Pious - NEVER, EVER use the unsubscribe link that is in a spam email! All that does is verify to the spammer that your...
  20. Good Oyster

    For Those Who Use IM For Business...

    I wonder how that affects those of us who don't use AIM for their IM client. For instance, I use Trillian or Qnext, so I can monitor several IM accounts at once - AIM, Yahoo, MSN, IRC, etc. If I am corresponding to another Trillian user, but we use our AIM identities to do so, does AOL still...