Access Lockfile

My account was recently moved from Win2 to WinCF (Thanks Yash and crew!). My websites on Win2 had a root on C: drive, and now on WinCF they are on E:. I have some linked tables in Access databases that had to be changed due to this, so I downloaded them, updated the linked table path, and attempted to upload them again. However, now there is an Access.Lockfile.9 keeping me from uploading the database.

On Win2 I never had this issue. I could upload and download the same database several times in a row and never had an lockfile set. Is there some way to keep Access from generating this lockfile? How long should a lockfile persist? Is there a way to clear them faster?
WinCF is probably set to keep an open connection in the DSN settings, can you PM me the DSN name, I will check it and disable that option, then it won't stay locked.