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  1. B

    Please review

    Looks good, can be made better. Live Chat link at the top is blank pointing to I have not seen anyone coming live for past 30 days. Are you planning someone for live chat ? if not remove the link. The "People's Host" tag line in the logo is too faint. Gives a...
  2. B

    Recurring payment for Credit card payment

    I pay be credit card. I have to make payment every month by going to site. Can I issue a standing instruction for recurring payment ? Please advice Cheers
  3. B

    CDONTS on Windows 2003 Server

    Same approach has been taken by other hosting compies which upgraded to W2K3 this includes crystaltech
  4. B

    Site down for over 24 hours now

    Who is your new host ?
  5. B

    Has been two weeks and still no new user sign-up

    That's great. Any more changes in pricing ? Quota ? etc....
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    Has been two weeks and still no new user sign-up

    It has been two weeks since no new user sign-up is possible. How much longer is it going to take ? -bh
  7. B

    selecting a 3rd party payment merchant

    I am seeking advice on selecting 3rd party payment merchant three which come to my mind are and We are not selecting paypal for now as our needs are immediate we are planning to launch a subscription based web site. looks good but...
  8. B

    Why is not being indexed ?

    Currently none of the support threads are indexed. I understand that Customer support and critical alerts contains senstive information and they should not be indexed . All other forums should be indexable on search engines. It has benefits for both jodohost and its clients. The...
  9. B

    Are payment terms yearly ?

    fair enough Thanks
  10. B

    Is your web site self sustaining ?

    Ok granted that jodohost provides value for money. My question to all clients who have hosted their sites on jodohost is Is your site generating enough revenue to pay for hosting fee ? Please answer the poll
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    Are payment terms yearly ?

    Would it be good to place this information in pre-sales FAQ Just wondering ?
  12. B

    Are payment terms yearly ?

    Any Action required for monthly credit card payment Assuming I go for monthly payment scheme using credit card ( not ccAvenue) Do I have to perform funds transfer every month ? Or do will you autodetect every month ?
  13. B

    Are payment terms yearly ?

    I read somewhere ( do not remember) that payment terms are yearly. Is that correct ? Also wondering since payment terms are yearly why there is no refund for the unused portion ? I pay in Sept 2003. For some reasons ( I hope it never happens) the hosting quality goes down in Jan 2004. I...
  14. B

    Can I install Movable type under windows package ?

    I am interested in running a weblogging content management system called Movable Type ( winder windows basic account. This system has the following requirements: * The ability to run custom CGI scripts * Perl, version 5.004_04 or greater And, either: Support...
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    Is full text search allowed using MSSQL ?

    Number of databases driven sites implement full text search functionality to provide text search results. Want to know if this is allowed on jodohost ? Thanks
  16. B

    IP Banned by DNS Service

    Do not understand what was this thread about ? What was Fernan planning to do ? and why that required a dedicated IP. My only concern is that I have registered my domain names with as well as one other registrar. I am planning to move to sites to jodohost. will I have to by...
  17. B

    IP Banned by DNS Service

    Hopes this gets resolved ASAP