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  1. Code Cleric

    Working with VPS

    Hey subspace.... Any suggestions on an FTP server to setup on the VPS? I was thinking proftpd
  2. Code Cleric

    CDONTS failing?

    It seems that CDONTS is no longer working with two shared servers I have elsewhere. I will be moving all sites from these servers to Jodo now.
  3. Code Cleric

    CDONTS failing?

    I have noticed that every form handler I have using CDONTS has just stopped working. Now this is accross several different servers. Does anyone know if this is a global problem or if I just have bad luck...
  4. Code Cleric

    Working with VPS

    Thank-you subspace. I got the file over there. Got a question about gzip. The file I am working with is bugzilla-2.16.5.tar.gz I am trying "gzip -d bugzilla-2.16.5.tar.gz" When I do this I get the following message. gzip: bugzilla-2.16.5.tar.gz: invalid compressed data--crc error then...
  5. Code Cleric

    Working with VPS

    I am kinda interested to see if anyone out there would like to discuss working with VPS. I just got my first VPS account up, thank-you Yash. I would be thrilled if anyone can offer any suggestions for me on running my VPS. Specifically I am looking at using it to run bugzilla. A bug...
  6. Code Cleric

    Movable Type

    Naw... I'm cool... Glad you got your site working.... I bookmarked it... I may end up using your services in the future when we need cheats for our GQ.
  7. Code Cleric

    Movable Type

    I just went to this link.... It takes me to your login page for movabletype personal publishing system... version 2.661
  8. Code Cleric

    Help with VPS

    Sounds like it's been rough. I wish you the best of luck, as I am scheduled to give this account to my client in one hour 8o . Just checking in, don't mean to be riding you about this, but wanna see how it's coming. Thanks Yash
  9. Code Cleric

    Hsphere 2.4 update still going to happen?

    I've been wondering... Anyone know if in 2.4 the domains in an account will be alphabetized?
  10. Code Cleric

    Help with VPS

    Thanks Yash
  11. Code Cleric

    Help with VPS

    Hey Yash. Same issue here. I recreated the account and was issued an IP pretty close to the first one. I cannot connect to the new IP. I can however connect to the old IP.
  12. Code Cleric

    Help with VPS

    Thank-you for the reply. This would then explain why I can connect though cannot login to the VPS.
  13. Code Cleric

    Help with VPS

    I noticed that I can connect to the Server now. Does this mean the IP issue has been resolved or has my account been manually fixed?
  14. Code Cleric

    Help with VPS

    Hey anyone hear anymore about the VPS2 IP Bind situation? 24+ hours is hurting me badly. EDIT: I can't spell, so I fixed some spelling. :P
  15. Code Cleric

    Help with VPS

    Ya, the VPS account was set up. It initialized very shortly after I set it up. I am noticing the IP (or rather lack of). So essentially this means that I am doing everything correctly right. I once the IP becomes active... I just login through putty using ssh. And basically I am sitting in...
  16. Code Cleric

    Help with VPS

    Hello Forum Readers- Been a while since I have visited this forum... Anyway nice to see you all again. I was presented with a task today that has be a bit baffled. I have used windows plans for every account I have set up. Today I was presented with a task that I believe requires a VPS...
  17. Code Cleric

    New MsSQL DB

    If you follow this forum thread you'll remember my noobness.. Anyway I am trying to help one of my clients setup their MS Sql database. I am looking at the hsphere support file on the issue. The suggestions it makes do not seem to support what I see in HSphere. I am told to select MS Sql in...
  18. Code Cleric

    New to MySql

    Thank-you subspace for the reply..... In the drop down table type under options InnoDB is not an option. Nor can I seem to create an InnoDB table with MySQL Control Center. Are you able to create an InnoDB table using phpmyadmin? Another thing I noticed about phpmyadmin.... When I first log...
  19. Code Cleric

    New to MySql

    Sorry bout the long time no reply..... Newborns are time consuming.... Anywho... I tried CREATE TABLE `tbl_makes` ( `make_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `make_name` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '', PRIMARY KEY (`make_id`) ) TYPE=InnoDB; Just to get started.... It...
  20. Code Cleric

    403 error for index.asp

    Thanks Stephen. Figured it was something simple, I am just no entirely familiar with HSphere yet. I really appreciate the prompt response. Thanks guys :D