2 domains on one site

hi gang

i have 2 domains, lets say, one is a regular domain and plan set up (site.com), but the 2nd (lets say another.com) i want to be sene thru to that same 1st plan, but to another folder, ie another.com will go to site.com/another.

the registraar does not seem to support (free) URL masking, so what other way is there to do it? is there a way to do this thru the CP?

another question (not really connected to the above) - but how would i put 2 domains - site.com and site.net on the same plan?

First question, well that would have to be some scripting, or frames. (most domain masking is frames from what I have seen)

Second, in web options just go to "Add domain" and it is easy as that, if you need me to get more detailed just say so.
Ah also, if you want site1.come and site1.net to go to the same place you can use a domain alias, it will redirect one to the other seamlessly.